How Porn Will Wreak Havoc on Your Child's Brain

How Porn Will Wreak Havoc on Your Child's Brain

You have a duty as a man to educate yourself on the threat porn poses to your kids –– and YOU. The first step is to get this poison out of your life. That is your DUTY. You are the example.

Not convinced? You will be after this article.

1. "Internet pornography changes children's brain cells."

That's not my opinion. That's the conclusion that neurosurgeon Dr. Donald Hilton arrived at after observing the impact of porn on the brain.

The brain of a young boy who consumes a "reward" like porn is undergoing "addictive learning" that leaves an imprint through a "specially powerful printing process."

The brain doesn't forget this. It will follow them will into adulthood.

2. Porn wreaks havoc on brain's "dopamine reward system"

Porn consumption is known to damage the dopamine reward system, making it harder to find excitement or fulfillment in healthy relationships.

Because porn, like addictive substances, are "hyper-stimulating," they result in an unnaturally high release of dopamine. This can easily damage the dopamine reward system and make natural sources of pleasure feel much less stimulating. This is why erectile dysfunction is so tightly correlated to porn consumption.

Kids' brains are extra moldable. This can set them up for a lifetime of problems.

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3. The earlier children are exposed to porn, addiction becomes more likely

Not only does early exposure to pornography increase the likelihood of a child developing a long-term consumption habit, it also increases the chances of him or her engaging in high-risk sex, according to a study.

One of the most important jobs of a parent is to protect a child's innocence at all costs. Set healthy boundaries to give them the best chance at not being exposed to something so harmful to them.

It is not "helicopter parenting" to monitor what they have access to on the internet or to be diligent with parental controls on the TV. You should also know the parents of your children's friends to see if there is values alignment.

4. Early access to pornography is correlated to the erosion of a child’s prefrontal cortex

Damage to the prefrontal cortex can cause a child to struggle to adjust to his or her emotions and impulses. Impulse control is a KEY skill your kids will need to become successful adults.

This one is for the adults too: “Pornography satisfies every one of the prerequisites for neuroplastic change," Psychiatrist Norman Doidge explains.

"When pornographers boast that they are pushing the envelope by introducing new, harder themes, what they don’t say is that they must, because their customers are building up a tolerance to the content," she adds.

5. Porn can rewire the brain to a more juvenile state

The great irony is that "adult" entertainment may actually rewire our brains and keep them in a juvenile state.

Sadly, pornography has become normalized by pop culture. With advent of on-demand internet porn and girls lured to make money on OnlyFans, this wave of addiction isn't going anywhere.It's up to YOU to do everything you can to protect your kids.

Do you have a plan?